La Place des Développeurs Jouer de la musique en arrière plan en Basic ?
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@popolon : je ne sais pas si c'est exactement le même en tout cas ça y ressemble !Mais que ce soit l'un ou l'autre font bugger mon jeu en basic... Alors sauf à trouver un moyen de le charger là où ça ne trouble pas mon programme... ça ne me convient pas...
si tu n'as pas besoin du X-basic incorporé au Nestor Basic tu peux utiliser le replayer du moonblaster
extrait de la doc :
NestorBASIC is a BASIC extension for MSX2/2+/TR computers with at least 128K mapped RAM. It is Turbo-BASIC compatible (in fact it includes Turbo-BASIC, an loads it at installation time) and provides the following capabilities:
Access to all the mapped memory available on the computer (all the free memory when using DOS 2), up to 4 Mb.
Full access to VRAM, including data blocks exchange between RAM and VRAM.
BASIC programs storage in mapped memory, it is possible to switch from one to another without losing the existing variables.
Disk files and sectors access, it is possible to directly read/write to/from mapped memory and VRAM. File searching, directories management.
Graphic compression/decompresion.
MoonBlaster music replay. Samplekit and wavekit load.
PSG sound effects replay.
Machine code routines execution; routines placed in BIOS, in a mapped memory segment or in BASIC main memory (including system work area) can be executed directly or using interrupts.
NestorMan functions, InterNestor Suite and InterNestor Lite routines execution.
extrait de la doc :
NestorBASIC is a BASIC extension for MSX2/2+/TR computers with at least 128K mapped RAM. It is Turbo-BASIC compatible (in fact it includes Turbo-BASIC, an loads it at installation time) and provides the following capabilities:
Access to all the mapped memory available on the computer (all the free memory when using DOS 2), up to 4 Mb.
Full access to VRAM, including data blocks exchange between RAM and VRAM.
BASIC programs storage in mapped memory, it is possible to switch from one to another without losing the existing variables.
Disk files and sectors access, it is possible to directly read/write to/from mapped memory and VRAM. File searching, directories management.
Graphic compression/decompresion.
MoonBlaster music replay. Samplekit and wavekit load.
PSG sound effects replay.
Machine code routines execution; routines placed in BIOS, in a mapped memory segment or in BASIC main memory (including system work area) can be executed directly or using interrupts.
NestorMan functions, InterNestor Suite and InterNestor Lite routines execution.
Membre non connecté
Conseiller Municipal
oui tout a fait jipe.
mais j utilise aussi lexbasic incorporé, ce n est pas incompatible...
J ai trouvé mon bonheure avec nestor ! il est génial...
tout aussi bon pour les effets sonores... mon projet viens de faire un grand pas en avant...
en fait je n ai plus qu a paufiner le tout et faire plusieurs niveaux...
bientot ... bientot...
mais j utilise aussi lexbasic incorporé, ce n est pas incompatible...
J ai trouvé mon bonheure avec nestor ! il est génial...
tout aussi bon pour les effets sonores... mon projet viens de faire un grand pas en avant...
en fait je n ai plus qu a paufiner le tout et faire plusieurs niveaux...
bientot ... bientot...
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