Salle de Jeux Super Mario World et la flash rom 2048ko de Popolon(fr) save/load ?
Oups , j'ai pas trop le niveau pour faire ca.....
Je me rappelle du jeu HUNCKBACK qui marchait que sur joystick1 , avec un patch il fonctionnait aussi au clavier
Je me rappelle du jeu HUNCKBACK qui marchait que sur joystick1 , avec un patch il fonctionnait aussi au clavier
Membre non connecté
Conseiller Municipal
msx45 :
En effet une fois dans le jeu quand on appui sur ESC on a des options , dont les manettes....
ça je ne le savais pas
Tous mes PCB ->
challenge 2013 -> neodream MSX 2013
Concepteur du KCX Bluetooth transmitter
on sait bien que personne ne lit les manuels, même moi le premier
Extrait SMW Manual :
Controls are zsnes style which may be getting a little use to. You can select joystick, keyboard1,
keyboard2 and joymega as your preferred control scheme. You can select any of these controls from
the options menu (press esc on the worldmap or during gameplay).
Keyboard: arrows control the movement. X jumps, Z does a spinjump, C causes your character to run
and also enables grabbing of objects, furthermore C allows you to fire bullets and do a capespin. If you
wish to release any objects that you are holding simply release the C. If you press up during the release
you will trow the object upwards. X allows you to swim up. To jump up from water hold X and Up.
The climb in fences simply hold up and your character automatically starts climbing. Use X to jump
out of fences and other positions. C furthermore activates yoshi’s tongue. To release yourself from
yoshi use Z. A lot more is possible. Experiment around with the controls. Only on keyboard there is the
P and V button. P pauzes the game. V drops the power in your powerreserve. Use the down arrow and
V to drop your reserve powerup. When in pauze and the map was completed once, you can exit the
level by pressing V.
Keyboard2: Same as keyboard but with the Z, X and C keys remapped at graph, alt and space. This
is a very old piece of code but suggested by a few MRC members and thus implemented.
Joymega: Same as keyboard where the d-pad does the directions and the right 3 buttons are mapped to
Z,X and C. Please note that not all joymega controllers are equal. It may happen that yours will refuse
to function properly.
Joystick: The same as joymega however to spinjump hold up and jump.
On the mapscreen, X selects the map. The arrows move your character to another stage.
Controls are zsnes style which may be getting a little use to. You can select joystick, keyboard1,
keyboard2 and joymega as your preferred control scheme. You can select any of these controls from
the options menu (press esc on the worldmap or during gameplay).
Keyboard: arrows control the movement. X jumps, Z does a spinjump, C causes your character to run
and also enables grabbing of objects, furthermore C allows you to fire bullets and do a capespin. If you
wish to release any objects that you are holding simply release the C. If you press up during the release
you will trow the object upwards. X allows you to swim up. To jump up from water hold X and Up.
The climb in fences simply hold up and your character automatically starts climbing. Use X to jump
out of fences and other positions. C furthermore activates yoshi’s tongue. To release yourself from
yoshi use Z. A lot more is possible. Experiment around with the controls. Only on keyboard there is the
P and V button. P pauzes the game. V drops the power in your powerreserve. Use the down arrow and
V to drop your reserve powerup. When in pauze and the map was completed once, you can exit the
level by pressing V.
Keyboard2: Same as keyboard but with the Z, X and C keys remapped at graph, alt and space. This
is a very old piece of code but suggested by a few MRC members and thus implemented.
Joymega: Same as keyboard where the d-pad does the directions and the right 3 buttons are mapped to
Z,X and C. Please note that not all joymega controllers are equal. It may happen that yours will refuse
to function properly.
Joystick: The same as joymega however to spinjump hold up and jump.
On the mapscreen, X selects the map. The arrows move your character to another stage.
J'ai lancé le jeu sous OpenMSX avec ma configuration Panasonic FS-A1F 128Ko+Carnivore2/SofaRun et je constate que le scrolling a des effets de masquage à gauche et à droite de l'écran.
Sur la démonstration de Sebbeug ci-dessus, le scrolling est fluide dans une fenêtre de jeu fixe. J'imagine que c'est un apport du MSX2+ ou du TurboR, non ?
MSX1: Yeno DPC-64 - Sanyo PHC-28S - Sanyo PHC-28L - Canon V20 - Sony HB-75F - Yeno MX-64
MSX2: Panasonic FS-A1F 128Ko RAM 128 Ko VRAM + Gotek + Gotek / Philips NMS 8255 Azerty
Carnivore 2 : 8Mb FlashROM ° 1024Ko RAM ° IDE ° FM-PAC(MSX Music)° SCC+
DataPro :
J'ai lancé le jeu sous OpenMSX avec ma configuration Panasonic FS-A1F 128Ko+Carnivore2/SofaRun et je constate que le scrolling a des effets de masquage à gauche et à droite de l'écran.
Sur la démonstration de Sebbeug ci-dessus, le scrolling est fluide dans une fenêtre de jeu fixe. J'imagine que c'est un apport du MSX2+ ou du TurboR, non ?
J'ai lancé le jeu sous OpenMSX avec ma configuration Panasonic FS-A1F 128Ko+Carnivore2/SofaRun et je constate que le scrolling a des effets de masquage à gauche et à droite de l'écran.
Sur la démonstration de Sebbeug ci-dessus, le scrolling est fluide dans une fenêtre de jeu fixe. J'imagine que c'est un apport du MSX2+ ou du TurboR, non ?
Putain j'en dis des conneries en direct des fois... On devrait préparer les interviews !!!
Ce jeu est le fruit d'une équipe de hollandais : Noramos ! (pas d'un japonais)
Membre non connecté
Conseiller Municipal
Membre non connecté
Conseiller Municipal
J'ai essayé ce Mario sur mon Philips NMS 8255 et je suis dubitatif. Musique et graphisme sont au top mais le scrolling est très bizarre, çà rend l'image tremblante et pour moi c'est injouable.
MSX1: Yeno DPC-64 - Sanyo PHC-28S - Sanyo PHC-28L - Canon V20 - Sony HB-75F - Yeno MX-64
MSX2: Panasonic FS-A1F 128Ko RAM 128 Ko VRAM + Gotek + Gotek / Philips NMS 8255 Azerty
Carnivore 2 : 8Mb FlashROM ° 1024Ko RAM ° IDE ° FM-PAC(MSX Music)° SCC+
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